Faces of the Pee Dee celebrates the courage and perseverance of the people of the area. While I can’t say this is unique to the Pee Dee. it is certainly prevalent here. I noticed so many instances of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. They are an inspiration to others facing difficult times or, in some cases, death. I think of Debby Bailey who risked her life to save her unborn child or Vence Jelovchan who courageously faced terminal cancer and died earlier this year. These people are our neighbors and friends right here at home. In many cases their faith helped them through hard times while others faced difficulties in different ways. It is my hope that their stories are as encouraging to others as they have been to me.
The Faces of Pee Dee
Project Dates
Date 01, 2014 – Date 02, 2015
Featured Faces
Nikki Haley, Julie Smith, George Eaddy, Tommy Newell, Charles Phillips, John Hogan, Keith Allen, Kathy Griffin, Fred Carter, “LP” Rogers, Mike Nunn, Henry Brunson, Debbie Bailey, Charlie Caldwell, Shirley Gaskins, Harvey Senseney